Labels:box | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | rock | web site | window OCR: Mac os Errors Select the error NAME from the Apple's Explanation of the error Complete list the result went out of A APNotCreatedErr AAPNotFoundErr abortErr This GX error about to_grow. hear our Explanation about to unload ob ject acces: Denied Summary acces: cErr ailed IA low memory condit ion exists related to addRefF addResF ailed IQuickdraw GX's stack, heap or ob jects address AlignmentErr addressRangeErr Details afp Access sDenied IThe warning is posted Kq an Idde icat ion afp A IreadyL LoggedInErr afpAIr adyMounted that is using GX. If your afp AuthCont tinue appl icat ion needs more memory during 5 of .045 Hex 0000968E execut ion Qui ickDraw x9 automat ically Enter the error -26994 Imoves things from RAM to disk storage to Other names with this error Close User's version None Develo ...